For some excellent advice on how to handle noisy neighbors with or without a barking dog, including the anonymous letter approach, click here:
How to Handle Noisy Neighbors and Their Barking Dogs
If you are a victim of irresponsible dog owners with barking dogs, visit
If you live in Monroe/Union County, NC also see Ordinances and Local Contacts
If you are in a position (e.g., judge, magistrate, law enforcement, city council, county commissioner, etc.) to put an end to nuisance dog barking or to enforce noise nuisance laws but don't view the problem as serious, click here: Why Exposure to Chronic Dog Barking is So Profoundly Debilitating and here: The Deleterious Effect of Exposing People to Noise


This page is for dog owners and potential dog owners.

"I like a good dog. What I don't like are pompous and/or irresponsible dog owners. I don't care if you have a dog, but I don't want to hear your dog barking because you are ignoring him or you think your dog's "right" to bark supersedes my right to peacefully enjoy my home & property, I don't want to smell your dog's feces because you are too lazy to clean it up or you are so ignorant that you think dog crap is good fertilizer, and I don't want to see your dog suffering because you are neglecting his needs."

Intelligent dog enthusiasts recognize that excessive barking is a signal from the dog that indicates the dog is in an alarmed state and requires attention. Here are some informative links to help identify the causes of and eliminate excessive barking problems from dog enthusiasts, dog trainers, veterinarians, and animal welfare organizations...and be sure to check out the section at the bottom about dog feces...
  • What Are Dogs Trying to Say When They Bark? - Stan Coren, Ph.D. "A dog barking in multiple bursts and repeating them many times a minute is signaling that he feels that the situation is important and perhaps even a potential crisis."
  • The Dog Training Workshop - Dr. Craig Mixon
  • Be A Responsible Dog Owner - "A dog who roams the neighborhood; chases cars, bicycles, and joggers; soils the neighbor's yard; knocks over trash cans; or barks incessantly is a dog with an irresponsible owner."  Update: this story has disappeared...
  • Canby (Oregon) Police Dept. on Barking Dogs (every law enforcement agency should be this diligent when it comes to barking dogs)
  • The Dog Hobbyist - "...many dogs are so hyper-reactive to intruders that they bark at people driving down the road, the neighbor’s sleeping cat, and that suspicious looking soccer ball in the driveway. This kind of barking, which often happens when the dog’s owners are out, can drive anyone nearby insane."  Update: this website no longer exists...
  • Barking Dogs - from the Island of Jersey..."Training is fundamental to achieving a well behaved family pet - and one that does not bark at anything that moves. A well-trained dog should be able to tell the difference between a welcome visitor to your home, and an intruder."
  • The Dog Lady Blog - from Sherry Davis, owner of CSI 4 K9s dog training - "Remember, there are no bad dogs, just owners who need training...a nuisance barker is made, not born." Update: this blog no longer exists...
  • Is the Bark Worse Than the Bite? Why dogs barks and solutions to excessive barking problems, by Jennifer K. Rudolph, BS, and Lawrence]. Myers, DVM, MS, PhD, Veterinary Forum, March 2004
  • Perfect Paws - "The first step in obtaining peace and quiet is to realize that lots of barking is caused by the dog being lonely, bored, frustrated or frightened."
  • Noisy Neighbourhoods - Canine Culprits by Joanne Righetti, Animal Behaviorist
  • Toy Breeds.Com - Is Your Dog Home Alone? - dogs that are left out in the yard for long periods with little or no interaction with their people also fall into this category. How to Stop Your Neighbor's Dog from Barking - from a responsible dog enthusiast
  • Strategies to Stop Dog Barking - from AnimalSheltering.Org
  • Sacramento SPCA - "...continual barking for long periods of time is a sign that your dog has a problem that needs to be addressed." (some simple and straight forward information and advice)
  • Stop Barking Problems - some info compiled by the owner of a barking dog
  • Barking, Excessive (canine) - by The Petside Team
  • Sit Means Sit Dog Training - Barking Dogs Can Be Annoying  and  Why Does My Dog Keep Barking? "In most cases, the barking is actually a signal that another behavior problem exists"
  • Medication for Behavior Problems - Animal Behavior Associates (excessive barking is included in the list of behavior problems)
  • Barking When Left Alone & Home Alone Barking - Common Dog Behavior Problems at Petfinder.Com
  • Bark Busters - a whole company developed to address the barking dog problem...does it work? anybody know?
More Dog Issues for Dog Owners & Potential Dog Owners...
Dog Feces & Pollution (there's more than just the stink...)

How to Search for Animal-Related Municipal Ordinances - "All citizens should keep abreast of provisions contained in their local codes, especially as they concern companion animals, for it is often said that, "ignorance is no defense under the law."