I also made a short video today of the despicable irritant, but unfortunately it doesn't capture him in all his hysterical glory because I was too close to the fence. You see, when I approach the fence the irritating bugger is so happy that he doesn't bark (as much) as he does if I'm ignoring him, or when he sees my cat, or hears the dogs behind me bark, or just breaks into his psycho routine when the wind blows. However, I am loathe to run outside to reward him with my presence every time he's having a barking conniption...but now I have new motivation which will ultimately take place in a courtroom!
In retrospect, I wish I would have carted my camera outside last spring, summer, fall during those barking hysterics. He has lost some steam lately, not that I'm complaining but I am still complaining, and hopefully it's not just because of the weather, but nothing that I'm capturing now is as spectacular as it was when the weather was warmer. Hopefully he'll continue this trend right on into complete silence, but I'll be prepared in case that is not the case.
I'm an avid photographer...not that I'm great at it, but I make pictures off all kinds of weird stuff and some really cool stuff, and lots of cats...but I was loathe (that word comes up a lot these days when I'm talkin' about Harley and his humans) to have pictures of this rediculous looking and seriously loud dog on my SD card and my laptop. But had I been thinking clearly enough to make some videos with sound of Harley in action, I could have used it against my neighbors. In my defense, however, according to Craig Mixon's The Symptoms & Side Effects of Force-Feeding Noise Into the Domestic Environment poster the inability to think clearly is one of the side effects from being forced to listen to chronic barking.
This poster really freaked me out: Harley was actually killing me! Last year was the topper...I began feeling like I really had some sort of serious illness, a fatal disease...and this was beside the feeling that my life was ruined. I was already seriously annoyed (and in retrospect I see now that I was already impaired) because Harley had been barking for a few years when he was in his yard, and then last spring my neighbor sprung the news on me: they were putting him out for good, all the time, day and night...till the end of his life. Oh, my god. I almost had a conniption of my own, I'm surprised I didn't start barking, and it took all my strength not to go postal on my neighbor. In retropsect again, maybe I should have flipped out right then and there. .
Anyway, late last year I came across Craig's poster. I was going to list some symptoms here but the list would be too long and tedious, and I'm not up for that, because at a glance I found I had developed a lot of symptoms in the Section 1 - the immediate effects, and way too many symptoms in Section 2, which occur over time. Fortunately, I have not experienced anything in Section 3 but sometimes I feel close. I mean,were talking like over half of this poster describes me.
I wonder if I could charge my neighbors with murdering me after the fact...
I'll have to look into that, but in the meantime I'll try to get this video of Harley on YouTube so I can share my joy! Yea!