For some excellent advice on how to handle noisy neighbors with or without a barking dog, including the anonymous letter approach, click here:
How to Handle Noisy Neighbors and Their Barking Dogs
If you are a victim of irresponsible dog owners with barking dogs, visit
If you live in Monroe/Union County, NC also see Ordinances and Local Contacts
If you are in a position (e.g., judge, magistrate, law enforcement, city council, county commissioner, etc.) to put an end to nuisance dog barking or to enforce noise nuisance laws but don't view the problem as serious, click here: Why Exposure to Chronic Dog Barking is So Profoundly Debilitating and here: The Deleterious Effect of Exposing People to Noise

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Barking Christmas...

This was Christmas Day, less than 5 full days after my neighbors received a citation (FINALLY) for allowing their dog to be a barking nuisance. It began around 4 a.m...

But that wasn't the end of it...

The barking continued on throughout the day, until late afternoon when it became very cold and started snowing...thank god for lousy weather...

This is the 3rd year that I haven't been able to enjoy what used to be the quietest day of the year, because on Christmas Day there is very little traffic on our usually well traveled road. It is also the 3rd year that I haven't put up a tree or any decorations.

And they accused me of being a bad neighbor because I called the police.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

Less than 1 week after my neighbors received a citation for allowing their dog to be a barking nuisance, they are letting their dog be a barking nuisance again. Oh, sure, not to the degree it was before...not yet. I've been through this before - the police or animal control comes out, there are a few days of relative and much needed peace, then the barking is slowly allowed to escalate back to the usual intolerable, interminable, incessant frequency and shrillness.

It's depressing how this barking can consume one's life. I mean, I've spent hours writing about the damn dog on this blog, reading and writing posts on the barking dog yahoo group, making videos with sound of him, putting them on YouTube, thinking about how to get the money to move, thinking about what I can do if I leave the house just to get away from the noise, dreading that he'll stop barking before the cops show up if I call the cops...when the barking invades every corner of your home, day & night, prevents you from going to sleep at a reasonable hour, wakes you up like an alarm right outside of your bedroom window, gives you indigestion, is so loud outside that you can't enjoy or work in your after day, year after can you think about anything else?

I used to enjoy a lot of things, but now I enjoy very little.

I used to look forward to taking a road trip or just visiting a state park for the day, but now I'm not motivated to leave because I'll just have to come home to more barking. Doesn't make sense, I know, but it's true.

I used to read a lot and look forward to a good book, but now I can't concentrate on the read with the barking in the background, so I quit reading;

I used to look forward to listening to Echoes on Sunday nights but I'd have to turn the volumn up to an intolerable level to block out the barking.

I used to cook a lot and prepare great meals, but the barking sounds like it's right outside of the kitchen window and I often have indigestion now from being tense and not eating properly.

Spring was always an exciting time in my yard because the bulbs & shrubs would come alive with colorful, fragrant blooms, and every year I'd plant a few more interesting shrubs or trees but being in the yard now...forget it.

This is the 3rd year in a row that I haven't put up Christmas decorations or a tree, thanks to my neighbors. I used to always get a live Christmas tree and plant it in my yard later. I have lights to hang around the house, boxes full of decorations, CDs with my fav Christmas tunes...but who can enjoy any of this with the sound of shrill barking in the background?

I have a friend who has a really nice, beautiful, quiet home on 25 acres in the woods with creeks. She retired before she was 50 and has the financial means to do much more than most people, and yet she is often complaining about her life. She choses to get involved in things that are stressful & which consume all her time...and then complains about how she has no time and how stressful her involvement is in the project. I have no sympathy. I should invite her to stay at my place for a week...

Have a Happy & Peaceful Christmas
I hope we all have a prosperous New Year so we can move the hell away from these barking freekin' dogs.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Correspondence with the Mayor & City Council

Two days ago, on Tuesday, December 12, after having been awakened before 6 a.m. by Harley's barking again I decided to compose an email about my neighbors and this awful noise nuisance and send it to Mayor Kilgore, all of the City Council members, and the Chief of Police. I sent the email at 11:05 a.m. according to the email saved in my "sent" file. You can read the email here: Email to the Mayor

I really didn't expect much, but at this point I have to do something to make myself feel better rather than just sit around going mad and allowing my neighbors to cause my slow and agonizing death with their loud, shrill barking dog and irresponsibility, negligence and rudness. I've already had the Police and Animal Control out here on numerous occassions but it ultimately has not solved the problem.

At 11:41 a.m. (according to the call history on my phone) I got a call from the Mayor. He was very sympathetic and said he had lived with barking dogs and it's the worst thing you can have. He promised to help me get the problem resolved, and said he was going to send my email to the animal control and the police and follow it up with a phone call.

I've never talked to Mayor Kilgore before, never met him, and really don't know much about him, and needless to say I was pleasantly surprised by this very quick and positive response: I wasn't ignored, wasn't treated like some crackpot cranky or vindictive neighbor, my complaint was acknowledge and the severity of the issue was taken seriously...

Within a very short time after the Mayor called, AC Officer Tim was at my door, quickly followed by Police Captain Greene. They came in and we discussed the situation and she (Captain Greene) asked questions about my neighbors, the dog, some things I'd written in the email. Captain Greene told me that they'd talk to the neighbors, discuss how they could greatly reduce the barking, and give them one last verbal warning. She said she would tell the neighbors that if anyone at all ever called to complain about this barking again they would begin issuing citations. She also said she would put out a notice to the police force that if they answered a call from anyone about my neighbors' barking dogs the responding officer was to issue a citation.

I gotta tell you, I'm not really good at this sort of thing, standing up for myself and my rights, complaining to the authorities about the things people do that are way out of line, even if what they are doing is morally and/or legally wrong and causing me so much grief. Confrontations are very stressful for me and make me extremely upset; I try to carry myself through life without bothering people, I'm very aware of how my actions affect people, positive & negative, and I expect the same consideration...and I think this is what makes it so hard to complain about other people's offensive behaviors...I know I will be bothering them and then I'll face the consequenses of their wrath. And this is exactly what has happened with my neighbors and their barking dog, and I know this is why it took me so long to demand my right to a peaceful existence in my own home and on our property.

According the the ordinances, if there is non-compliance the dog could ultimately be taken away. I'd hate to see this happen since it could so easily all be resolved if my neighbors weren't so selfish and stubborn, but at this point I'm beyond caring about them and their dogs. I'm just trying to survive here.

So anyway, after the Captain and AC Officer left...the dog continued to bark throughout the day. Apparently they had talked to the husband and my guess is he probably had to wait for his wife to wake up (she works 3rd shift and came home at 6:20 a.m. that morning) before he did anything because in the past, when I've asked him about certain things that he could have given me an answer to, he said he'd have to check with his wife. I know them well...she's the boss of the family (and I won't go into details...).

Much to my surprise, about dusk there was no more barking, no barking through the night and no barking in the morning. I heard some muffled barking coming from their house when I took the trash out (when the lid of my trash can closed), but after that no barking. No barking when I went out to my car to leave to go to the chiropractor...and I had a really good adjustment, something that is often difficult because I'm always so tense from the barking and fear more barking as soon as I get home...but no barking when I came home...

The bad part is, when there is no barking I'm alway on edge because I know the next bark is not far off...this is what has happened to me after these years of being so distressed by this barking.

Later in the afternoon, around 2:30 p.m., the barking began while I was sitting in our office at the computer. I looked out of the window and Harley and Cherokee were standing at their gate which is a direct shot at out office/library windows, barking at the rooster that was in my front yard. I thought about going out to chase the rooster away, but NO, I'm not making any further moves to shut those dogs up other than calling the police. I'm finished with being nice over this whole thing. Finally around 4:30 p.m. I realized the barking had stopped. It was pretty much continual barking fits with short breaks in between for about 2 hours. Harley was doing most of the barking, but Cherokee was getting her say in there as well.

I gave Captain Greene a call and asked exactly how much barking they expected me to put up with before I should call to complain again. I explained to her that I didn't want to be unreasonable, but enough was enough and I'd been very patient for a long time already. I told her about the barking all afternoon after she left the other day, also about how I hadn't heard it all night and until that afternoon and I also told her I'd seen the rooster out there. I made it clear that I've already been very patient and reasonable and that I shouldn't be expected to compromise further, but she suggested having the AC officer come out to try to get the rooster to see if that would help and, although I do feel that my neighbors should just be made to remedy the barking and not be allowed to get away with ignoring it and blaming it on everything else, I agreed so Officers Tim & Ted came out and prepared a tranquilizer gun but they couldn't find the rooster. I'd already had them out here running around trying to catch the rooster one day, but that rooster is fast and wiley.

But it is a shame that my neighbors are allowed to continue to be irresponsible and blame the barking on everything and everyone other than themselves. The rooster has only been hanging around for about a month. The dog has been barking for years. It'll be something else after that rooster is gone.

The only funny thing about this is I've often heard that rooster on the other side of my neighbors' house, crowing early in the morning...right next to their bedroom window...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Barking Dog and What Next?

Today was a total waste of time and space; probably shouldn't have even been on the calendar.
Normally, I get a lot done on Sunday, after sleeping in for a little while because it's the quietest morning of the week, but not today and you want to know why? I'll tell you why. A damn stray rooster that's why. In addition, that is, to my neighbor's barking dog.

I know there are some folks around here who keep chickens...I almost ran over a chicken crossing the road right down the street one day...I kid you not...and I'm assuming it came from one of those places but no one can tell me where these chicken people live and no one has come around looking for a lost rooster. This rooster has been hanging around for about a week now and I've been trying to get someone out here to collect it - a rescue group, a chicken person...I even put a posting on Craigslist - but with no success.

Initially, this rooster wasn't bothering me and I was more afraid he'd get run over in the street or my barking dog neighbor would shoot him (he shoots at stray cats and probably other small mammels as well). It never even occurred to me that the thing would begin disturbing the peace. But in the last couple of days Harley has been barking more than usual (if you can believe that) and I realized he, and Cherokee, the normally quiet one, have been barking at this rooster. Great. So now the dog who barks at falling leaves has yet another reason to be barking...

Then this morning, at some ungodly hour before sunrise, I woke up and heard a rooster crowing. I'm not sure if this crowing is exactly what woke me up, because since being awakened several times a night throughout 2009 and early 2010 by Harley's big mouth I have not been able to sleep all night without waking up at least once, or if it was just coincidence. I think I went back to sleep...I'm almost certain I did because next I knew it was a couple hours later (but it didn't feel like it) and Harley & Cherokee were raising hell. Sigh.

So I finally got up, went downstairs, and noticed the rooster right outside of the dining room window, which by the way is under my bedroom, pecking around under the bird I ran outside in my pajamas and robe, looked around and didn't see anything to be barking at on Harley's side of my yard and so in a voice I'm sure they heard for a few blocks around I told the dogs to SHUT UP...and I'm pleased to report that they did. Then I went around to the other side and chased the rooster off making sure he made his exit toward the back and not around toward the front where he inevitably would have instigated more barking.

A little while later Harley was barking again but as I got ready to go out to shut him up again he suddenly stopped barking and I noticed both dogs running to their back door, so apparently one of their rude, irresponsible owners heard me the first time (it's about time) and decided to get off their lazy ass and do the right thing for once. Don't get me wrong, I know the rude people didn't let the dogs go inside; I know they just gave them a treat or breakfast in an attempt to distract them from whatever was motivating them to bark but of course we all know they were just enforcing the barking behavior by doing so. No wonder the rude people's human children have so many emotional and behavioral problems.

So that was the beginning of my lovely Sunday, the day that is usually the quietest day of the week since there is little traffic in the morning, and now I'm in a foul mood over fowls and foul dog barking...and rude neighbors who can't or won't control their dogs or chickens.
If one keeps chickens for the sake of having ones own organic, humane eggs, does one need to have a rooster about as well? So much for that future idea.

I recently told my husband that at this point in time I'd gladly live in a single wide trailer - although it would be quite the culture shock after living in a 3600 sq. ft. house - if it was parked in the middle of a large acreage with no neighbors, no roads, and no dogs within sight or hearing distance.

And I mean it. Can we just make it an Air Stream, please???

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's Wrong With People?

It's been a long time since I've written here but I've been really busy catching up on all the things I couldn't do when Harley was barking night & day, like getting sleep & doing yard work. So why today am I taking time out to write? Because on this particularly lovely day my yard is enveloped in a dog crap miasma and it was just not appealing to me so I came inside early.

To digress for a moment and quickly summarize the situation, I live in Monroe, NC next door to a barking dog named Harley. Harley's barking is shrill, abrupt and echoes, made my years ring and conversation outside of my house was impossible without raising your voice when he's having a psycho barking fit, which used to often last for several hours. Harley was barking from the first day they brought him home as a puppy in the summer of 2007 and if he was outside he was barking. Period. Then in the Spring of 2009 he became a full time yard dog because my neighbors were too stupid to house train him. I'd say he barked a good 16 hours out of 24, more depending on how often I attempted to go outside, and I'm not even sure if he really slept or just rested up and caught his breath for the next 3-5 hour round of barking.

Jump ahead to early 2010: after calling the cops & animal control a number of times earlier this year because Harley's barking was ruining my life, my neighbors, or actually their son who had to move back home due to his own misfortune, finally put some effort into making Harley stop barking so much. That's not to say that Harley was always quiet, but he was quiet enough for me to finally be able to relax in my house, get some decent sleep, eat without having an upset stomach, and catch up on my yard work (that's right, I couldn't go into my yard without being barked at the whole time). They even cleaned up the dog crap so I could spend time in my yard without holding my breath, and I could open my windows on a nice day without my whole house eventually smelling like dog shit.

However, as the year has progressed to the present, my neighbors, and Harley, have begun to slack off. Harley is being allowed to bark more and more and, well, like I said, the dog crap is piling up again.

Oh, of course, I can't blame them. After all, I'm the one who embarrassed them because the police and animal control showed up at their house so many times and because of this I really deserve to be awakened at 6:15 a.m. This is when my neighbor goes out and makes all 3 of her dogs bark just long enough to wake me up, and yes, I caught her doing it one morning when I was awakened into a foul mood and ran out to see what the hell the dogs were barking at, and I believe she (the passive aggressive sociopath) does this regularly both in the morning and in the evening...just to remind me of what a bad neighbor I am. Forget Sundays...which used to be the quietest day of the week around here, and on which day I knew I could look forward to sleeping in without traffic noise. Forget it now.

And I'm the despicable ass who put up the cat fence around my yard (after they blamed my cat for all the barking, even when he was in the house, and threatened to trap him and send him to the shelter) and so now they can't pull their Coachman RV around my driveway which enabled them to then easily back it into their parking area.

My fault!!! Why should they keep their dogs quiet now and why should they continue to clean up the dog crap after I've been such a bad neighbor for not wanting to hear their dog bark 24/7 and for wanting to keep my cat safe on my own property?

Yes, once again Harley has begun to bark at this & that and at me as soon as he hears me in the yard and they just let him go on and on. It's not nearly as bad as it was last year, but still very loud and it's extremely annoying and stressful when he is carrying on. To top it off, the folks behind me, who had 3 dogs, then only 1 dog, but now have 2 dogs, all chained up and ignored (one dog is chained & penned...), are allowing their dogs to bark for hours, day & night, and if they aren't already barking they begin barking when they hear or see me in my yard (and both dogs are practically swimming in their own feces). And, since I'm such a crappy fucking neighbor, the folks on the other side of me now have a dog which doesn't bark, thankfully, but which they allow to crap all over their yard, front & back, and there the crap sits to fester on a nice warm day. I even stepped in a pile of it in their front yard the other day when I walked over to talk to my neighbor, who was sitting on the picnic bench in her front yard. The pile was right next to the picnic bench.

My fault!!! Silly me; why would I dare think there would NOT be any dog shit next to the picnic bench where my neighbors and their friends are always hanging out?

You know, I'd gladly buy dog poop bags for my all my neighbors if they would just use them. Unfortunately, I don't think those bags would get used for poop. Not dog poop anyway.

Don't they realize that even Barbie picks up her dog's poop?

So add the 1 dog's crap to the left of me + the 2 dogs' crap behind me + the 3 dogs' crap on the right of me and what do you get?

And add the 3 dogs barking on the right + the 2 dogs barking behind + maybe 5 other dogs barking in a 2 block radius of my place and what do you get?

What you get is a pretty shitty piece of property that nobody is going to want to buy so I can't even move. But why should my neighbors care? It's not my dogs who are barking and stinking them out of house and home. Hell, I don't even have a dog.

Why should any of these charming folks clean up their dogs' poop, or teach their dogs to be good? Well, I don't know. Maybe out of respect for yourselves & your dogs, if not for your neighbors? When I had dogs I did it because I didn't want disgusting stinky dog crap all over my yard, because it's disgusting to go to the park and have to watch out for dog turds in the grass while you are walking around (or wonder if you are laying on a piece of decomposed dog shit in the grass), because I didn't want unruly dogs who didn't know how to behave, and because I like to be a good neighbor (even if I don't like my neighbors).

And another reason I didn't leave dog shit laying around and let my dogs run around barking like a pack of wild animals (which, by the way, is an incorrect cliche because wild dogs don't run around barking like that) is because I'm respectful and I feel bound to the integrity of my ethics and morality to not only NOT add to the pollution of the earth but to also be the type of neighbor that I would like to live next to. And even if my neighbors have much lower standards I refuse to let them dictate who I am or to allow them to drive me to compromising my integrity. But being kind and considerate is becoming more and more difficult living among all these passive aggressive, unhygienic, rude, irresponsible...uh...people.

So I want to know, what is wrong with people? Why don't people respect at least themselves, if no one else, enough to clean up the dog crap in their yards, and why don't they care enough about their own dogs to teach them to be good, quiet neighbors?

I realize there are a lot of conscientious and responsible dog owners, and I know some of them, but the irresponsible dog owners give you all a bad name. I know there's a lot of good dogs out there, but these days when I first meet a dog I'm suspicious of it's barking habits until I get to know the dog, and when someone says they have a dog I view them with suspicion even though they might be the best dog owner on the planet. You can all thank my lovely neighbors for that.

Oh, and another thing. I want to know why the law enforcement does not enforce the codes? It plainly states that seriously annoying barking is a violation, as is allowing any type of smelly waste to accumulate on your property.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Barking Dog Advice from an Expert

I was going through some of the Barking Dog Yahoo Group messages that I saved and came across the following, which makes excellent sense. The bottom line is, if you have recently begun to be tormented by your neighbor's barking dog, don't wait to do something about it - jump into action immediately.

Dr. Craig Mixon, an expert on the subject of barking dogs and their owners, and founder of, says...
"To a large extent, your best course of action is always determined by your own individual skill set. You need to do what you are good at doing, and what you know how to do. Some people are brilliant at confrontation ­ others at maneuver, persuasion, or politics ­ still others do best to steer clear of all categories.
"But as a trained behaviorist I can tell you that the longer you let any given response continue, and the better established it becomes, the harder it is likely to be to get it stopped.
"So if your neighbor gets a dog and the barking starts, then, if you are ever going to talk to him about it, you had better do it immediately. Because every minute it continues, the less likely he is to be willing to bring it to a stop. That is true of dogs and humans alike. The research shows that beyond the slightest doubt."
I now, well over 2 years later, realize the above statement from Dr. Mixon is true and I wish I would have come across his works sooner. In retrospect I could have saved myself from over 2 years of barking torment and the mental, physical & financial side effects of this noise trauma had I acted sooner. As it is, I allowed myself to be victimized for well over 2 years by my neighboring sociopath barking dog owners and their incessantly yapping psycho dog since day one of the dog's arrival as a puppy, hoping they'd recognize the problem and put and end to it.

This attempt to be patient did no good at all.  The barking did not subside, in fact just got worse & worse,  and just caused me immeasurable stress, anxiety & tension and also ended up costing me a lot of money. The dog's owners are as hostile toward me today as they would have been then, if I'd jumped into action when they first got the dog, but at least I could have saved myself from a lot misery (and also saved some money). At this point, I don't care if they hate me. Neighborly relations were ruined the day I realized they were just going to let him bark and bark and bark without any regard for neighbors, which was on day one when they brought the dog home and he was running around the yard yapping & yapping at me and everything else that moved or didn't move.

From the first day, at the end of November in 2009, that we began complaining about the barking...first by "talking" to them about it, which was a one sided conversation and a complete waste of time and breath, then by me calling them at night when the dog was barking, which only put an end to the barking temporarily that night, then later by calling the police and animal control, which at least put an end to the dog being out at has taken less than 6 months to attain relative peace again. Fortunately for us the neighbor's oldest son, unfortunately due to his own misfortune, had to move back home and started working with the dog to make him stop barking.  The son has done a marvelous job with the dog, especially considering he has his own mother working against him by inciting the dog to bark when her son is not around... 

Beginning sometime in late March this year, things began going along very nicely and quietly (it was odd but I wasn't going to question it), and then suddenly there were a couple of weeks late in April when Mrs. Barking Dog Owner, who claims to be a good Christian, was letting the dog out very early in the morning (like between 6-6:30 a.m.) and allowing him to bark which had very rudely & traumatically awakened me 4-5 times. One morning I actually caught her in the process of provoking some barking, at least it seemed so to me when I witnessed her standing on her screened porch making some sort of noise which, everytime the dogs heard it, caused them break into a barking fit. Some people whom I've told about this, who have also heard the unbearable ruckus, asserted that it sounds like spiteful behavior on the part of the mean old bitch...
The second time this happened, I went outside, probably looking like some sort of psyco myself as I'd just been awakened from a very deep sleep and was still trying to get my wits about me...fortunately my sleeping attire was not going to get me arrested for indecent exposure..., and let her know that I was not happy about being awakened. Of course, she lashed out with hostilities and accusations about me being a bad neighbor for calling the police... blah, blah, blah...and accused my cat of instigating the barking (he was in the house, still sleeping...that's how early it was) and then she, the good Christian, threatened to trap my cat and send him to the shelter...etc., etc. It was difficult to get a word in but I was finally able to casually mention that I had video/sound recordings of her dog being left outside to bark for hours, at all hours... Apparently she, oddly enough as I don't credit her with much intelligence, realized that along with telling her I had the barking evidence on tape (so to speak) I was also implying that the evidence points out that she neglected the dog by allowing him to be unattended during these sometimes hours long barking fits because she seemed to be taken aback and lost for least temporarily until she lamely got the last word in and again reiterated how she couldn't believe I would ever be such a bad neighbor. Boo hoo. Realizing I'd have better luck communicating wtih a rock, I walked away.

This early morning barking occurred several more times and so I again called the police and animal control. They never came out again as by the time I called them Mrs. Sociopath had locked the dog up (nice, huh? lock them up rather than enforce the training that her son has implemented), but I gave them all a good ration of how I was fed up with losing sleep and my life being ruined because my neighbors were being allowed to let their dog be a barking nuisance...and on and on. Then, just as suddenly as it began again, this early morning barking suddenly stopped again so maybe the police or animal control sent a notice or called them or something. I don't know and, as long as the dog successfully continues on his path of barking behavior modification, I don't care.

So, since perhaps you missed it because I've rambled on and on about my barking misery, the main point of the story is, don't wait to start the process of putting an end to the barking. You'll just be more and more traumatized the longer it goes on, the neighbors will probably hate you regardless of when you let them know that you won't tolerate it, and you'll probably have better success at stopping the barking if you speak up right away.

By the way, I have nothing against Christians or people with any other religious beliefs. I do not, however, like people who are hypocrites.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Absurd...

First the good news: I've purchased 500 ft. of Purr...fect Fence so my cat will have a safe enclosure from which he can't escape and so he can hunt, pee, spray, lounge...whatever he wants... outside and I don't have to worry about Mrs. Barking Sociopath trapping him and sending him to the shelter;

The bad news is: The 5 Purrfect Fence kits, plus 2 gates with 2 gate extensions so I can get the riding mower in and out costs just under $3700 which is now on the credit card, but...

More good news is: I probably won't use all 5 Purrfect Fence kits because I want all areas within the enclosure to be within my field of view from the house, but I bought that many because doing so considerably reduced the cost of each individual kit, so I can sell 1 or 2 and recoup some money, and...

Now for the absurd, or what some people might consider the funny stuff (no, unfortunately, not the green leafy kind): Actually it's frightening, not funny at all. One might even concluded that evolution has suddenly changed the definition of the fittest and has begun to allow mentally incompetent folks to thrive and survive, as my barking dog neighbors certainly seem to be doing a better job of surviving than I am even though, at my worst, I possess a much higher degree of intelligence and am in much better physical condition, even while suffering from nerve damage and who knows what all due to barking noise trauma. But anyway, these are some of the things my sociopath barking dog owner neighbors have said to me (and my comments are, of course, in blue):

  • “Well, if you quit hanging around outside the dog wouldn’t be barking.” (What. Quit hanging around in my own yard?)
  • “You probably let the cat out.” (It was 6:15 a.m. and actually the lucky cat had slept through the barking fit and was still on the bed. Maybe she thought I let the cat out to instigate a barking riot to wake myself up from a deep sleep so I could drag my ragged ass outside to put an end to the barking because I had nothing better to do?)
  • “He’s probably barking at the cat.” (The cat was inside…again. Damn that cat. He’s never outside when he’s guilty of instigating a barking riot)
  • “Where’s the cat?” (Good grief. Can’t they come up with something new?)
  • “Those other dogs are barking.” (At least they are getting creative and didn’t blame the cat this time)
  • “Don’t you have insulation in your house?” (Yeah, this is what I'm dealing with. This is one of those statements that kind of left me speechless and with my mouth hanging open. Did this mean that, if we didn't have insulation...cripes, I still don't know WTF to say about this one. Even knowing these idiots, this one took me completely by surprise)
  • “I can’t hear any barking.” (Now I'd be really worried about that, because we can hear the barking in every room of our house, even my neighbors on the other side of me can hear it in their house, and the pastor of the church on the corner can hear it all the way at the side entrance to his church, and even the little old lady living through the woods in back who kept saying "what?" when I was talking to her can hear this same barking, not to mention people for blocks around can also hear it)
  • “Dogs bark.” (Of course, the good old stand-by stupid "duh" remark. This is a very condescending remark, and when someone says this you know you are talking to a person who has a nuisance barking dog and/or who thinks that everyone just has to put up with it because, after all, it's a dog, and if the barking is ruining your life it's your own fault. Yeah, yeah, dogs bark but enough is enough)
  • “Why don’t you go to the doctor for your headache?” (I have no idea where this came from. Maybe she figured that the barking must have given me a headache, which proves she knows how obnoxious the barking really is. But I didn’t have a headache when she said that to me, and even if I did how the hell would she know?) 
  • "You hurt my dog. You were yelling at him." Sigh. (Actually, it was 6:15 a.m. and I was yelling at the humans to shut the dog up. an exercise in futility, to be sure. And since I complained about being awakened by the barking she threatened to trap my cat and send him to the shelter. That'll teach me.)
I hope nothing that stupid has ever been produced by my brain and then even worse, gone beyond my lips. I'm almost positive it hasn't... but you know how you sometimes have a slight lingering doubt about a thing, which can be somewhat secretly embarrassing? Because if I ever said anything like what my barking dog owner neighbors have said to me, I'd be really embarrassed.

Peace, kiddies. Hopefully, anyway.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So much for a quiet & relaxed Sunday morning...

Sunday mornings are usually the most enjoyable time of the week because there is little traffic. During the week there is a lot of morning traffic on our street, and it often wakes me (if the dog barking has not already awakened me).

This morning I was enjoying a twilight sleep I think they call it, you know, that time when you are somewhat conscious and you could either wake up gradually or you might even fall back into a deep relaxing sleep. Then Harley began barking. When I finally found my glasses and the clock it was 7:20 a.m. He continued barking off and on until a little after 10:00 a.m.

I got up and made some coffee and fed the cats. My one cat was meowing to go out, but since the dog was already barking I told him he had to wait. The cat continued to meow and I figured he had to go to the bathroom so I began to get dressed to take him out anyway. I gathered my coffee and cell phone and began to head downstairs but didn't get very far. When I set my foot on the top step I heard a squish. The cat had already peed right at the top of the top of the stairs. So I spent the next hour soaking up as much pee as possible with paper towels, cleaning the area with cold water and soaking and respraying the area with an enzyme cleaner...and cleaning my left Birkenstock.

In defence of my cat, he usually doesn't have such problems because he's used to being allowed to go outside. He doesn't like to use the litter boxes, but in the past he's always been able to go out first thing in the morning to take care of business, then comes back in to have his breakfast. He's never out after dark, but I used to let him out peridically during the day and after dinner. When he's out I check on him often and he is usually under a shrub sleeping or watching the yard. Occasionally he wanders into a neighbors yard to check out the shurbs and rodents but if I don't see him when I look outside I go out immediately to find him and he always comes to me when I call him. I've talked to all of my neighbors on our block about my cat, they have my phone number and I've told them to let me know immediately if the cat is causing a problem and I'll collect him and repair any damages or clean up any messes. In the 8 years I've had the cat (not including the year I forced him to be an indoor only cat) none of the neighbors have called to complain about him, nor said anything about him being a problem when I've periodically asked them face to face.

However, since I've complained about their dog barking, out of revenge and hatefulness Mrs. Sociopath Barking Dog Neighbor threatened to trap my cat and send him to the shelter so I haven't been letting him out on this own, and he's only been able to go out when I take him for supervised walks in the yard. These walks, while he seems to enjoy them, are never long enough for him and he often doesn't take care of business before I'm ready to come back inside even though I try to hold out until he does. A big problem  right now is the heavy pollen in the air which bothers my eyes and sinuses, which I'm sure some of you can relate to. That is, of coure, beside the problem of having to sneak around so Harley doesn't hear or see me and start barking at me like I'm an intruder, and recently the other 2 dogs have started in on treating me like an intruder, although they don't carry on nearly as much as Harley does.

So on top of the 2+ years we've been forced to listen to Harley barking through out the whole house, day & night, and being ferociously barked at like intruders in our own yard, I have the added stress of a stressed out cat and cat pee in the house and the worry about him being harmed if he gets frisky and runs into the neighbor's yard when I take him outside. The other day he peed in the kitchen by the trash can; yesterday I found cat pee in my laundry basket and today at the top of the stairs. The cat doesn't know why he's being forced to stay inside. All he knows is that he usually gets to go outside where he does his business, in his own yard...and doesn't make any noise.

So now I'm looking into putting up a cat proof enclosure around a small area off the back of the house, because I can't afford to fence in the whole yard. This cat proof fencing, called Purr...fect Fence ( ) is still costly for me, at almost $900 for 1 kit which covers 100 feet, and with the increased summer utilitiy bills and all the money I've spent so far on trying to relieve the neck pain caused by the tension caused by the barking, not to mention other barking related expenses I've incurred because my neighbors won't train or supervise their barking dog, I'm tapped out and so I will have to use my credit card to pay for the fence. But, according to the installation instructions I should be able to put the thing up by myself so at least I won't have to pay anyone to help me put it up.

Of course, the installation of this cat enclosure will cause more problems with my bully barking dog neighbors. Our driveway is U-shaped and travels up from the street on both sides of our property around the back of our house, and our neighbors on both sides use part of our driveways to pull into their own parking areas rather than use their own driveways. Both neighbors have a lot more traffic going in and out than we do (we just have one car and few visitors) but we we've maintained the whole driveway ourselves, all the way around. To keep the peace we've never complained about this. Prior to all this mind shattering dog barking, we tolerated a lot to keep the peace around here but that barking became intolerable.

But anyway, the best way for me to set up the Purr...fect Fence is to run it (on the side of the house opposite the barking dog) from the back end of the front porch which wraps around the sides of the house to the corner of the house on the other side of the back door as this will give my cat some shady garden area to hang out in at the side of the house where he can't bee seen by the dog, and some sunny areas at the back of the house, and I can let him right out of the back door (or maybe even install a cat door for him in the window at the side of the house). This will not block the front portion of the drives so the neighbors (including the barking sociopaths) can continue to use them, but fencing will have to come out in back toward the edge of the driveway and will sufficiently block enough of the space between the house and another building on our property to make it impossible for the Sociopath Family to pull their camper/RV around our drive so they can back it into their parking space, which they've been doing for years because they can't seem to get it in any other way. I didn't really like them doing this as it would tear up a tree and vines on one side of the curve, but to keep the peace I just let it go. There is no other way to attach this fencing to the back of our house without cutting off the space they require to get their RV around, but at this point in time we don't feel compelled to accommodate their needs any longer, as they thoughtlessly forced us to listen to their shrill barking dog day and night for over 2 years, they continue to awaken me very early in the morning by allowing their dog to bark between 6-6:30 a.m., they've already ruined our neighborly relationship, and they have made us absolutely miserable in our own home with absolutely zero regard for our well-being or comfort. In the past, to be neighborly we've tolerated a lot of crap and did a lot of favors for them, but we owe them nothing so if they are inconvenienced, boo-fucking-hoo.

FYI - I'm not doing this in retaliation because they've ruined my life with their barking dog or for threatening my cat; I really can't afford this cat enclosure and I don't want to be terrorized by these people any more than I already have been because it's too stressful and it's killing me. I can't make that dog stop barking and I can't change his ignorant owners, but I can give my cat a safe enclosure so he can go outside. I just need to be able to let my cat run out of the door and know that my cat is safe while he is outside on his own, like he needs to be. That will be a big weight off my shoulders and reducing my stress is at the top of my list.

P.S. The barking dog owning neighbors should be glad that I can't afford to put up a wooden privacy fence because if I could afford to do it, that fencing would go from either side of the front porch, over to the property line on both sides, which would totally cut off their side of our driveway, and all the way around the whole back yard. That way I could work in the gardens at the side of the house and in the back yard without being barked at, and the cat would have the whole back yard as his safe territory. However, the estimate for the wooden fencing alone is just under $9500 (large yard) and the Purr...fect Fence cat proofing attachment for an existing fence would run about $2360. If I put up the wooden privacy fence with cat proofing around only half the yard it would still run a good $5930 and I can't put that much on my credit card.

So much for a peaceful Sunday.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

City of Monroe Code Enforcement

You can allow your dog to bark day and night but if you let your grass get too high and you'll get a citation. Too bizarre.

A couple of weeks ago my neighbor (the good neighbor, not the sociopathic barking dog owner) put some yard waste out to be picked up, but apparently she was supposed to bag it and a city official came out to her house to give her a warning. Apparently the rules have changed since last year, because in previous years they've picked it up this same stuff, unbagged.

Last week I cut back some large over grown shrubs that were encroaching on our property and put the cuttings out for collection. Apparently, limbs are supposed to be cut to 4 feet lengths, and mine were longer so the trash guys wouldn't take them away, and the city sent me a letter that same day. I have not received the letter yet. I called them on trash collection day because they did not pick up my limbs and the lady I spoke with told me they'd already sent a letter telling me to remedy the situation.

The last time I mowed the grass in my yard I left a big section of uncut grass with a path cut through it so my cat (and the bunnies) can walk around in his yard hidden from the view of the nuisance barker so he wouldn't be guilty of instigating a barking riot (the cat is always the guilty party, not the negligent barking dog owners, even when the cat is in the house). I guess I better mow that grass down or I'll get a citation.

Both the police and animal control have heard my barking neighbor yacking his head off, I mean we're talking some seriously long and loud barking fits, the kind that made me wonder why the dog didn't drop dead from the force and duration of his barking...we're talking way more than just a few woof woofs here...yet my negligent barking dog owner neighbors have not received a citation nor a written warning. Many people would think that habitual, shrill and frequent dog barking at all hours is much more unattractive and harmful to the health of humans than tall grass, long shrub cuttings and other yard waste, but I guess the City of Monroe thinks otherwise.

Isn't there something seriously wrong with priorities when you can severly disrupt your neighbors' lives and endanger their health by allowing your shrill dog to bark like a psycho at all hours, and pollute the environment with so much dog feces that it makes you gag and you can't open your windows or it will smell like dog crap in your house, yet if you let your grass get too tall you'll get a warning, a subsequent citation and fine, and then charged for the cost of the city having it mowed down if you fail to do it?

Isn't it just so bizarre that my neighbors can trap my cat and send him to the shelter if he wanders onto their property, and then I have to pay a fee to get him out...if I even find out he's been arrested in time and he doesn't get killed in the gas chamber first..., yet they can let their dog's loud shrill barking invade all corners of my house and property, for hours, day and night, and get away with it? Why can't I send the dog to the shelter for invading my property with his extremely unpleasant voice and odors?

I'm going to put up a cat proof fence to keep my cat from invading my neighbor's property, but will they then stop their dog's barking from invading mine?

Personally, I'd rather live next door to tall grass than a barking freaking stinky dog.

And to those of you who are going to get their panties in a bunch because I'm desparaging the dog, I know it's not the dog's fault; he's a dog and he barks and shits and doesn't have opposable thumbs with which to pick up his turds. It's the negligent dog owners fault for allowing their dog to be a nuisance. Too bad we can't send the negligent humans to the shelter and find the dog a new home with people who will train him to be a decent citizen & good neighbor, and let him come inside to join the family.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shock & Horror

I just have to say, that I have never lived in a place like this before. I've never lived next to such horrible neighbors, and I swear I never knew that people let their dogs bark for hours and hours, at all hours, or that they so inhumanely tied their dogs up in their yards and ignored them...until I moved here to Monroe, NC. I've known some wackos, but I swear I've never personally known so many mean and hateful people at one time as I have here, ever, and I never knew the law would allow such things.

But I don't know what the hell I was thinking because I know our own political leaders indulge in things like torture, lies, and murder, and such... so why should my neighbors be humane...

That's all I really have to say today because I feel very ill right now from all this venom, ignorance, inhumanity and barking that I'm surrounded by. I know, you are as shocked by my speechlessness, as I am shocked by what people are allowed to do to their dogs and to their neighbors.

Sometimes I wish I took drugs or drank, because I'd be blasted or passed out right now.

Will I ever have any peace again before I die?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The $$$$ Go Marching By...

This is just a short entry (thank god, you are saying) to vent about how much money my barking dog owning neighbor has cost us...and will cost us.

Keep in mind that we offered to pay for dog training so the dog could be house trained, spend time inside with his family and learn to not bark at everything that moves or doesn't move, but the stupid (and now vindictive) owners, my lovely neighbors, are too lazy, mean and uncaring to spend that much time on the dog even if someone else is willing to pay for it. This would have been the cheap way out for us.

I just got a fence estimate: just under $10,000. This is not including the fees for the attorney who is investigating a discrepancy with the property lines, the surveyor who will eventually mark those lines, and the guys I'll have to hire to clear out some shrubs and trees which are on the property lines. This also does not include the cost of "cat proofing" the fence so my cat can't get out of his yard. I have no idea how much that will cost, but I'm estimating a total of approximately $15,000 for the fence. If it's less, yea.

This fence has become a necessity because my neighbor has now threatened to harm my cat, who has been blamed for the majority of the barking, who is usually in the house when the dog is barking, who usually stays in his own yard when he's outside, and who no one complained about (even though I'd ask if he was bothering any of my neighbors) until I complained about the barking and called the cops. On occasion the cat gets frisky and goes into their driveway to roll in the dirt or hunt for rodents in the shrubs that line the drive, but very rarely. The cat is never out at night and never out when I'm not home, and when he's out I check on him often. And when he's out, the dog is rarely barking at the cat and I know this because I immediately investigate the barking when the cat is outside. On the rare occasions when the dog is actually barking because he sees the cat, I immediately bring the cat inside.

In fact, the cat has provided 2 important services for us and both of our neighbors (and he does so very quietly) - he catches rodents, and keeps stray cats away, of which there are many in our neighborhood. One time I tried to make the cat a full time indoor cat for year. During that year we had numerous stray cats showing up, crapping, spraying, and fighting & howling over mates. My cat hated being indoors all the time, and he developed reoccurring urinary tract infections. Once I began letting him go out again, his urinary tract infections disappeared and so did all the stray cats. My cat is very territorial and doesn't tolerate feline intruders.

Anyway, some time during the middle of summer (2009) my neck and upper back began to hurt so badly from the tension, I had huge knotted up muscles in my neck, headaches had increased in frequency, jaw pain, tinnitis, and the muscles were so tense at the side of my neck that they felt like they were pulling away from my bones, and so I began to think I had a tumor or some other serious disease, and so in October (2009) I began paying for health insurance. I got the lowest monthly payments which meant the highest deductible so I still have to pay for everything until my deductible was met, but at least if I had a serious illness everything would be covered after the deductible. The monthly cost of the health insurance is $228 so that is $1596, to date, which I wasn't spending before.

In November of last year (2009) I began seeing my chiropractor every week due to the severe neck pain I was having which I'd finally realized was due to the tension from listening to the dog bark his shrill piercing bark for hours, day and night, which seriously aggravated an existing problem. I realized every time the dog was barking I was tensing up so much that my shoulders were practically up to my ears. So from November to now, I've spent $40 a week to see the chiropractor. Prior to that I saw the chiropractor once a month for an existing problem. So that is $120 more per month than I would have spent otherwise. So far that's about $720 more, to date, thanks to barking.

Since I was so tense all the time, the chiropratic adjustments were often difficult to achieve and the benefits never last long (especially because the dog would be barking at me as soon as I got home), and so in December I began having a 1 hour massage prior to the chiropratic adjustment. This allowed my muscles to relax so that the chiropractor could actually make the necessary adjustments to my spine. The massage is $60 - $75 dollars each, depending on which massage therapist I go to. This is $60 to $75 more per week than I was spending before. At $60 a week brings it to $1200 for the massage fees, to date, probably more. My neck, by the way, is still killing me.

I've also gone to my physician twice specifically for barking related problems which totaled almost $200. I've been referred to an orthopedic specialist which was $412 for the first new patient visit, and I'm now having physical therapy which I've only had twice so far and only paid $25 per visit, but it will probably end up costing about $300 per week if my health insurance won't cover it. Prescriptions so far have been about $75 (Xanax for my head, Flexeril and an anti inflammatory for my muscles). Thankfully, I haven't started drinking or smoking pot...because then my drug cost would be astronomical.

Keep in mind that my health insurance deductible must be met before my health insurance pays for anything other than yearly basic physicals, and so I've paid for all this out of pocket, and so now I'm up to $4253 that I've spent on medical/health alone in the last 7 months thanks to my neighbors letting their dog bark like a psycho nuisance day & night.

I have 6 more physical therapy appointments and another visit to the ortho doc scheduled. If I'm lucky, my health insurance will cover at least part of the cost of the ortho and physical thereapy. I really haven't made any effort to find out yet, because I'm not up for any more bad news at this point.

I have a physical scheduled, most of which will be covered by the health insurance, however, due to the severe tinnitis which developed sometime during the summer last year (I noticed it increased every time I was working in the yard and the dog was barking...I really couldn't stay out for more than 15 minutes when he was barking, it was so loud and shrill and continuous...I mean I don't know how my neighbors could stand listening to their own dog bark like that...) and a newly formed lump in my back I'll probably have an MRI which is not routine...

Well, I said it was going to be short so I'll keep my promise, but mainly because I'm now having an anxiety attack over all this money I'm spending and will end up spending (I mean I could have taken a European vacation for 6 months for that amount) thanks to my thoughtless neighbors and all the damage they've caused by allowing their dog to be a barking nuisance. Thankfully, the dog is not barking right now but I better get to bed in case he starts in early in the morning. Did I tell you that I caught my neighbor inciting her dog to bark very early the other morning by standing on her screened in porch making some sort of noise that was getting the dog worked up? And she accused my cat of inciting the riot, who was in the house sleeping, and accused me of being a bad neighbor for complaining about the barking...

Good night & I hope you have a peaceful one.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another Day Ruined Before it Even Began...Good Grief...

Recently there have been some messages on the Barking Dog group about a CD which, when played, blasts the barking nuisance with ultrasonic sound waves in the attempt to get it to stop barking. However, some folks think it is the irresponsible owner who should be blasted out of orbit, not the dog who is just being a dog.

One person wrote:
"There is an over-riding moral issue here, namely that inflicting hurt upon a helpless creature is fundamentally wrong. It is not the dog's fault that it is barking so annoyingly. It is the owner's fault entirely, and it's him who should be blasted to Kingdom Come for his selfish, cruel idiocy."
Another response to this included:
"...however the other side of that coin is that dogs actually do harm humans and horrible things have resulted to humans because of a dog's noise/threats..."
Ironically, I was awakened this morning around 7:30ish (at least that's what time it was when I finally looked at the clock) from a very deep sleep by my neighboring shrill barker. Being in a particularly foul mood over it, I opened the window and yelled for the dog to be shut up which, of course, was a waste of breath and energy. I'm not really sure when the barking began, but I later found out that someone had heard the ruckus around 7 a.m., a half hour earlier than when I finally looked at the clock... man, I was in a really deep sleep and enjoying it because it's not something I've done much of in the last 2 years.

Later my neighbor accused me of hurting her dog by yelling at him ....can you imagine? This accusation after being assaulted by her excruciatingly shrill barker, every day and many nights, for almost 3 years now... Any loud statments I've made (which have been rare) lasted for about 5 seconds if that (and I set off my car alarm probably less than a half dozen times in a 2 week period early in January, and I tried the ultrasonic device about 4 times which had no effect on the dog but freaked out my cats). Not to mention I don't think I can even yell as loud as that dog barks. Certainly if I yelled as much as he barks I'd have dropped dead long ago... And I listened to that awful barking for over 2 years before we ever complained to them about it back in November last year (2009). Why am I even defending myself? Good grief.

Anyway, he continued to bark and so I finally went outside to make him be quiet myself, which I've had to do on many occasions if I wanted peace, although my efforts were not always successful. As soon as I got to the edge of my front porch, I heard my neighbor standing on her screened in porch shaking what sounded like a can of something, I guess to get the dogs attention...but it seemed to me it was making them bark more...hmmm...until they saw me. Then they came running over, wagging their tails! I called to whoever was on the porch (because I coudn't see them) and she answered. I was going to politely (even though I'd already yelled out of the window and wasn't feeling very polite) ask her please not to let the dogs bark like that so early in the morning and inform her that I'd been awakended...blah, blah, she didn't already know they were waking me up...but she rudely cut in and prodeeded to be belligerant and hostile. In fact, I don't think I was able to finish one sentence without being rudely interupted by her accusations and threats. Actually, the only thing that left her speechless was when I informed her that I had many hours of video/sound recordings of her dog barking, sometimes almost continually for 2-3 hours without anyone checking on him, day & night at all hours. Being so stunned by this revelation of barking evidence, the only thing she could say was another feeble accusation about how she never thought I would ever be such a bad neighbor. Sigh. Ditto.

By the way, all this time her 2 dogs were sitting by the fence quietly looking at me...and wagging their tails. They love me. Sheesh.

Now, I've suffered immeasurable mental and physical pain from being forced to listen to her dog barking, as I'm sure you all can relate to, and have, in the last 6 months, spent several thousand dollars (so far) seeking relief consulting with doctors, a chiropractor, 3 massage therapist, and most recently an orthopedic specialist for relief of my neck and jaw pain caused by tension caused by being forced to listen to the barking, day and night, inside my home and outside in the yard. Many times, in fact I'd say about 95% of the time, when I return home from a massage, chiro, or any other relaxing event, the dog is barking as soon as I pull up into the driveway even before I get out of my car. So much for that $75 massage.

Ultimately I know it will be a waste of money to see all these doctors and therapists if I have to continue to listen to the barking.

Incidentally, the barking is of such a loud & shrill nature that the neighbors on the other side of me can hear the barking in their home, albeit not very loudly (as they are farther away and they have more noise in their home...children and TVs, etc.), but that gives you a clue as to how loud it is in my (formerly) quiet home which, at the closest point, is less than 50 feet away from one of the dog's favorite barking spots.

Then she, my barking dog owner neighbor, said the dog is on his own property (I tried to mention that she was allowing the dog to tresspass on my property and into my home by projecting his voice into my private air space, but it was a one sided conversation and she probably wouldn't get it anyway...duh...) and accused me of being a bad neighbor because I've complained about the loud, shrill, piercing, almost continual traumatic barking that has caused me immeasurable physical & mental pain, not to mention is continuing to cost me a lot of money, and because I've called the police and animal control (who have not been any help...surprise, surprise), and then she accused my cat of instigating the barking, that the dog was probably barking because I let my cat out, and she threatened to trap him and send him to animal control. I was stunned at the sheer nastiness of this person, who I knew from the beginning was a bit...uh...odd, shall we say, but with whom I'd been on good terms for a number of years, but I managed to say, "I just woke up and my cat is still sleeping on my bed." The cat was in the house all night, as usual. If the dog only barked when my cat goes onto their property, I'd have no problem with the barking because it would be so rare. When the cat is outside he doesn't usually go onto their property because I keep an eagle eye on him when he's outside and he's usually following me around, lounging around under a shrub, or looking for rodents (on his own property). He's a fat, middle aged cat, you see. On the rare occasion, usually when I'm trying to get him in the house and he gets fiesty because he doesn't want to go in, he'll run over there and hide under one of their (many) cars so I follow him until I can snatch him up, and if he's ever out of my sight at any other time for one second I hunt him down and bring him in. My other cat rarely wanders from under her favorite bush or the porch at the other side of our yard, and stays within about a 25 foot radius of both when she's outside. On a rare occasion she'll come out and follow me around a bit, but never in front of or at the sides of the house, and never way out behind the garage.
Why am I defending my cats? for crying out loud. My cats have done nothing wrong...and they are quiet. In fact, they are the ones being harrassed by the dog who rushes to the fence and starts barking like a psycho when he sees them in their own yard. Actually, he usually only sees them if he sees or hears me first, then rushes to the fence to bark at me and then spies the cat following me around and starts in with the "cat bark." If that dog ever got out of his yard I know he'll run straight to my yard and try to attack my cats, and then, of course, my cat will smack him a good one and my stupid neighbor will start crying about how my cat hurt her dog.

When I first started letting my big tuxedo cat go outside (I tried to force him to stay indoors for a year when he was 3-4 but he was miserable and developed reoccuring urinary tract infections, which stopped when I started letting him out again), I went to both neighbors and asked them if he was bothering them. No one said he was, and so I told them if he was to let me know right away and I'd collect him and put him in. Over the years, I've inquired about this again occasionally, but no one ever said he was bothering them.

However, maybe she did tell me the cat was bothering them. One time, long before I expressed my irritation with the barker, I was asking my barking dog neighbor if the cat was bothering them and she said her husband hates cats and would just as soon shoot them. I asked her if he was going to shoot my cat, and she never did answer. In retrospect, wonder if that was a threat? Her way of telling me the cat was a nuisance? She'd rather pick up a gun than pick up the phone? Scary people. Really, she didn't have to say that. I really didn't think her husband would shoot my cat but if the cat was bothering them all she had to do was say so. I get so tired of people not being straight forward and honest, and having to play guessing games and ending up looking like an idiot beause I can't figure out what the hell they're talking about. Oh, yeah, the dog was barking during this (very brief) conversation and she didn't make any attempt to stop it. And the cat was not there.

Back to other neighbors, the good ones to the right of our house if you are facing it, were having a yard sale so on my way back inside I went over there and asked if they'd heard the barking. Two of them had; my neighbor's husband had actually heard the dog barking at about 7:00 a.m., even earlier than when I'd been awakened, when he was taking things out to the yard for the sale. The other person who heard the barking, a friend of my neighbors' who was over to participate in the yard sale, said she heard the barking and then saw me go out of the front door. She said the barking was so loud it was annoying to her way over there and that there is no way she could tolerate living next to that noise. She is willing to make a statement, if necessary, to support any complaints or court cases, and I already have 3 signed statements about the barking from these "good" neighbors (the 3 adults in the house).

Of course, I already know my barking dog owner neighbor fits right into the disturbed personality profile of the nuisance barking dog owner, but knowing this doesn't make it any less stressful or upsetting for me to be abused by both dog and human like this, and now have to worry about my cats being harmed by the ignorant barking dog owner.

The barking problem had decreased significantly in the last 6 weeks, and I had begun to relax and actually began to feel happy again and like I was healing from the abuse. Even my neck was feeling better, my digestive problems had deminished a good bit, and I was actually feeling back to my old affable self again. But I guess it was just a fluke because this last week the barking has begun to increase again, especially early morning, and now I feel like I'm hopelessly back to square one.

Just venting here, really. Thanks for listening.